16 July 2007

February trip (V - Underground Blues Band)

An excellent surprise in a small underground pub along the Duna: a Blues concert by a local band accompanied by an excellent British saxophonist. I was just surprised because I find most of the english musicians I know don't put too much consideration into virtuosity, but this one was a clear exception. The band itself (I forgot its name in the first place - that's how useless this is) was a very good mix of influences on the Blues-rock trunk; a bass player very much into the blues but with a very good groove, a big funny drummer who seemed like he could have played anything, a lead guitarist-singer who sounds like Johnny Lang and did some very nice solo-pieces in the blues-rock tradition, a second guitarist who added an excellent metal spice into the shovel, and a percussionist to make it all swing for the public.
A nice surprise from the basement...

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