A jump in the past, going by the many strange statues decorating the little green parks and squares of Pest, some virulantly expressive (the hammering hand is one example, the jumping silhouette one much more intreaging and complex) others much more... colourful.
Against this lies a changing sky, one of a grey and rainy hungarian afternoon (not something typical, but the week I took Antonino's analog camera it was, sadly enough).
Against the moving silhouettes of bodies, there are hard walls to be found upon which resonates both the sky's light and the people's standing, waiting, walking gestures.
It is there I love these silhouettes the most, against the hard walls of our warm homes.
Un saut de passe en devalant les petits parcs et petites places de Pest, passant les nombreuses statues etranges qui les occupent, certaines tres expressive (la main martellante est un example, la silhouette en plein saut est elle bien plus captivante), d'autres plus... colorees.
Contre ceci s'illustre un ciel a fort temperament, un ciel changeant d'apres midi hongrois grisonnant et pluvieux (rien de typique, mais la semaine ou j'ai pris l'appareil d'Antonino ca l'etait, malheureusement).
Contre les silhouettes de corps en deplacement, il y a des murs solides, epais et durs contre lesquels a la fois la lumiere du ciel et la gestuelle en marche, en attente, ou debout des gens.
C'est la que j'aime ces silhouettes hombragees le plus, contre les durs murs de nos maisons.
A Taste of New York: Thanksgiving
2 weeks ago
1 comment:
Good for people to know.
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