17 July 2007

The Rail station

Ends her journey when the person will come to it
Evil moment when time picks you by
Ever more than before that

Lasting moment of hope, now
Lingering to and fro for home, a
Little track to go back to
Unbinding in this move, was a
Useless woman's tear,
Unfortunately no Guard saw to her

Et al she said, it's all done for
Endlessly moarning her mistakes
Earning respect from the workers
Searching more and everywhere
Sadly the glass cut into her profile
She waited at the station for that soul

A drifting cloud close to me, this woman
Annoyed but sleeping in a dream
A possibility, a character, a woman
Lost with its poetic umbrellas
Leaving the station in Szolnok to itself
Looking up you'll see what I mean...

Les curieux observateurs Francais observeront surement l'effet, en remontant la page, vous verrez, la, seul dans cette mer d'anglais, "La, seule" inscrit de ma memoire decoupee, dans la gare dejantee d'un esprit perdu dans les chemins de l'heritage.

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