I wanted to do this for a long time now... This is perhaps more typical for a blog, but the more I show people's legs, backs, or no people at all, the more I feel sad for the lack of people's pictures on this blog. So there you will have a collection of portraits, mostly people that count a great deal to me now still, or that I was really glad to have met, others I only met for a short period, but maybe there was a picture of them to be told...
Je voulais faire ca depuis longtemps je crois... Et je l'ai meme écrit dans un de mes articles. C'est peut-etre plus typique pour un blog, mais plus je montre des jambes des gens, leur dos, ou personne du tout, ca me rend un peu triste de constater ce manque de photos de gens sur ce blog. Donc ici vous allez avoir une collection de portraits, pour la plupart des gens qui compte toujours enormément pour moi, ou d'autres que je suis tout simplement content d'avoir rencontré, d'autres encore que je n'ai connu que sur une courte periode, mais il y avait sans doute un souvenir d'eux a transmettre...
1 comment:
During some quick weight loss diets that are tried at home, some people make the mistake of starving themselves during the day and then hording food at night. The body needs food during the day so that it can provide energy and strength to the different organs while at night our metabolism system slows down and turns food into stored fat. During a diet, it would be better to eat more during the day and have a light snack at night. Another mistake is setting unrealistic weight loss goals and these can really put you off if you do not achieve them. We all burn fat at different rates and these are influenced by many factors, others beyond our control so be realistic and if need be then involve an exercise program in your diet program. Body Mass Index (BMI) is a widely used method for estimating body fat. BMI is calculated by dividing the person's weight by the square of his or her height. It is used to define whether a person is overweight or obese. By just switching over to products that are labeled 100% Whole Wheat or 100% Whole Grain you can now eat breads and pastas without worrying about them going right to your mid-section. Now if you are in to endurance types of fitness like practicing for a marathon, or you have a tendency to sweat more than average, than a sports drink might be a better choice for you. The added minerals and electrolytes may just be what your body needs to keep it going.
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